
Monday, May 26, 2014

Super Healthy Dairy-free All-fruit Ice Cream

Hey guys! How's it goin'?
I don't know about you but its starting to get hot in SoCal!
Most likely cause its almost summer...
So, anyways...
Speaking of summer and hot weather, here's a new recipe i'm sharing with you!

Since summer is coming up, a lot of us are probably not wanting to eat super creamy and calorie-loaded ice cream because a lot of us want and are working for that summer bod!
As a solution, I've got this uber-delicious, healthy, and easy ice cream recipe :D 
(btw, definitely treat yourself to some delicious ice cream and don't deprive yourself!)

All you need are:

1 Frozen Banana
2 Handfuls of any frozen berry (blueberry, strawberry, etc)
A Blender 

1. What I like to do is get some fresh fruits and freeze them over night (I prefer fresh over store bought already frozen fruit)
2. Put them in the blender.
3. Blend until smooth!
4. Scoop into a bowl, and violĂ ! You have yourself one serving of super healthy ice cream!

P.S. You can also substitute one handful of berries with another kind of berry. Ex: 1 handful strawberries and 1 handful blueberries. 
Or...... you can just substitute the 2 handful of berries with 2 handful of other frozen fruit!

However, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT replace the frozen bananas as it is what makes this into a creamy ice cream (:

Have a healthy start of summer :D

- M

IG: @MKAELLA14 // @GoinSummer
Tumblr: MKAELLA14

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